16 January, 2025

Latest News From:

Mayor Khal Asfour

:أخر الأخبار من

Canterbury-Bankstown Mayoral Message

Today’s youth are tomorrow’s leaders.
Investing time and listening to our
young people is paramount to
creating a better society, both now
and into the future. And with an
ageing population, we must never
lose sight of this fact.
This was quite evident during the past
week, as we celebrated United
Nations International Day of Youth.
The day itself may have come and
gone, but it is an important reminder
of the role we can all play in
mentoring and educating the young
people in our lives.
Young people can learn a lot from
those with years of experience, and
equally the same can be said for our
older generation.
In Canterbury-Bankstown, we have
more than 65,000 young people
between the age of 12 and 25 – that
makes our City one of the largest in
that age group in the state!
With their incredible talent,
dedication and energy, they play an
important role in our community. Their
inspiration and perspectives help
make our City stronger.
That’s why we invest in programs and
events to help them thrive. Over the
weekend, we saw hundreds of
families and young people turn out to
listen to the tunes of renowned pop
star, Dami Im.
From entertainers, to sports stars, to
academic achievers, or community
leaders, our young people strive to be
the best and are truly an inspiration
to many.
Council also has an awesome youth
team, who coordinate a wide range of
programs to support young people at
Belmore Youth Resource Centre
(BYRC). From after school drop-ins
and homework help, to dungeons and
dragons games nights and sporting
programs, BYRC is a one stop shop for
young people in our City.
I have no doubt the engagement and
fruitful discussion by those involved
in the groups at BYRC add another
layer to the fabric of our City. And, I
hope to see more young people get
Yours sincerely,
Clr Khal Asfour

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Canterbury Bankstown Mayoral Message

As the Mayor of this great City,
there are many projects and events
that we are working on for our
entire community.
Some of the things we’re planning
include master plans for our main
centres that will deliver job
opportunities, major events to
support out local businesses, and
trialling new technology which will
enhance our services.
However, it is the small things we do
for our community that mean so much
and quite often, go unnoticed.
We supported our local cafes and
restaurants by waiving footway dining
fees, assisted our nurses and medical
staff by providing free hospital parking
passes, and when it was brought to my
attention our sporting organisations
needed a hand, it was time to step in.
The recent rain meant that our parks
and most of our sporting facilities
were waterlogged. Several
of our grounds were forced to close
because they were unsafe to use.
Thousands of players missed out on
their weekly games, and in some
instances, the grounds were so badly
affected they were shut for weeks on
end. As a father myself, I know how
disappointing it was for the kids who
had been looking forward to their
weekend games, to be told their
games were put off.
But it wasn’t only the kids who were
devastated by the unprecedented and
constant heavy rain… there were huge
financial implications on the many
sporting organisations and federations
that run sport in our City.
These sporting bodies are not
multi-million dollar organisations that
are dripping with cash… they rely on
the mums and dads paying registration
fees, the weekend barbeques, the
canteens and the sausage sizzles to
stay afloat.
To put it simply, when the grounds are
closed, there are no games and they
take the financial hit.
That’s why at the last Council
Meeting, I ensured these sporting
organisations wouldn’t be left behind.
Council decided to waive the sporting
ground fees for winter sports, which
had been affected by the weather for
two months.
Hopefully, we’ve seen the last of
the lousy weather and our sporting
organisations can get back on the field
without the financial burden.
Yours sincerely,
Clr Khal Asfour

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