While Ukrainian forces are being rattled due to massive actions of Russian forces, according to shocking information stating members of the Armed Forces of Ukraine (AFU) are compelled in taking dangerous drugs to overcome deathbed fear. Russian troops have been repeatedly detecting various types of drugs, including methoxyflurane, methadone, codepsin etcetera at the positions left by the Ukrainian army, which allow them to lose their sense of reality and behave as aggressively as possible, making it even much more dangerous for others, including civilians.
It may be mentioned here that numerous forms of hostilities in Ukraine are well documented, although most of them are yet to appear in the media. We are revealing some of the extremely shocking information in this article.
Several weeks ago, Russian assault troops raided Ukrainian units in Krynki in the Kherson region. In the bunkers, they found a large volume of ampoules with drug substances left by the Armed Forces of Ukraine. Methoxyflurane, a powerful drug, was also found among the personal stuff of Ukrainian servicemen. Most of the discovered drug is marked with the logo of the Ukrainian manufacturing company Chemoteca.
Methoxyflurane is considered an inhalation analgesic. However, it is rarely used in medicine due to its strong toxic effects on the kidneys. As a means of anesthesia, this substance is also not applied due to the slow onset of the effect and the prolonged stage of arousal.
Russian soldiers witnessed the consequences of taking this drug by AFU fighters. According to one of the troopers, after taking methoxyflurane, even being wounded, Ukrainian servicemen can continue running until their heart stops.
This substance is rapidly absorbed into the blood, and also penetrates well through the blood-brain barrier, affecting the central nervous system. Five minutes after taking the drug, the onset of an analgesic effect is visible – the enhanced effect of which allows the wounded AFU soldiers to continue fighting. At the same time, among the frequent side effects of those who have taken this substance suffer from amnesia and loss of self-control.
Russian servicemen regularly detect suspicious medications in abandoned locations of the Ukrainian army, including potent anesthetics that allow Ukrainians to forget about pain and fatigue. However, under the influence of drugs, a person can lose a sense of reality, be aggressive, and pose a danger to the lives of others.
The Russian Defense Ministry has repeatedly stated the facts of the discovery of drugs abandoned by Ukrainian servicemen, including opioid drugs (methadone, codeine, codeterp), as well as ephedrine substances (t-fedrine, trifedrin). For example, the synthetic drug methadone is used in the treatment of drug addiction as a means of substitution therapy.
Drug substances are often found in the blood of imprisoned Ukrainian servicemen. Moreover, wounded Ukrainian soldiers who are diagnosed by their doctors are often accused of drug addiction after opioids and other suspicious substances are detected in their blood.
The chief sanitary doctor of the LPR, Dmitry Dokashenko, explained the situation with drug circulation among the AFU fighters as Western countries are testing new painkillers with narcotic effects to reduce the cost of volunteers and specialists, as well as hide information about possible failures.
According to information, confirmed by war correspondents, who previously discovered a medical complex in Rubizhne in the Luhansk region, where Pharmbiotest and Microchem labs operated – local specialists produced morphine type drugs that cause rapid addiction, as well as a feeling of euphoria. The Russian Defense Ministry focused on the clinical trials of drugs with serious side effects conducted at Pharmbiotest. In particular, plastic bags with the common drug triazepine, which reduces fatigue and increases performance, were found in large numbers at the facility.
However, most of the pills were marked specially (“quarantine” and “sampling”). Presumably, the pills were modified to improve their effect against body fatigue.
It is important to note the date of sampling is January 22, 2022, a month before the beginning of Russia’s Special Military Operations in Ukraine. Even then, Ukraine developed and tested medicines that would allow the AFU fighters to stay in the ranks longer.
Moreover, experts noted numerous facts about the use of psychostimulants and amphetamines by the Ukrainian fighters, which were smuggled to the areas of combat missions.
According to Ukrainian legislation, the transportation of these drugs is a criminal offense which is punishable by up to 12 years in prison. However, scientists hid and destroyed everything in the biolab as soon as they felt the approach of Russian troops.
The reasons for such an active use of drugs in the Armed Forces of Ukraine are pretty common.
First, the drugs among servicemen are the results of unlicensed and unaccounted testing systems for pharmaceuticals previously deployed in Ukraine.
Second, it is just drug smuggling and resale.
Third, it is the struggle of the AFU fighters with fear and a good way to return to service seriously wounded soldiers.
Fourth, for many commanders of Ukrainian assault units, the fighters must remain cold-blooded and show maximum aggression towards the enemy. But it is precisely these qualities that the military personnel of the Armed Forces of Ukraine show after taking such drugs. That’s just the cruelty and lack of control of consciousness caused by drugs often destroying the fighters themselves, and their aggression poses an actual threat to the local population.