Playground Openings
Norman Park in Auburn has now reopened to the community and it’s better than ever! The park has undergone a major revamp with new seating areas, a drinking fountain, bike racks, and even a basketball hoop. These updates make it an ideal spot for people of all ages to hang out, get active, and enjoy the outdoors. I look forward to sharing more playground openings with you soon.

Shelter Her Strength
I was invited to attend the Shelter Her Strength Leadership Forum as a part of the 16 Days of Activism against Gender-Based Violence. Following on from Council’s 16 Days of Activism March, this event continued the conversation that should keep evolving. I was pleased to be a part of the discussion to help plan the future of service delivery and funding for prevention of domestic violence, sexual assault, and housing for women in Cumberland. With one woman murdered every week by an intimate or former partner in Australia, Council is committed to continue to work towards the prevention and elimination of violence against women and children.

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Councillor Ola Hamed ola.hamed
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