The developer was issued with $9,000 in fines in 2023 for non-compliant erosion and sediment controls as well as illegal street tree removal.
But after failing to appear at Bankstown Local Court this year, the magistrate increased the amount and slapped the developer with a $30,000 fine.
This is not the first time the developer has appeared before the court, in 2023 he was convicted for polluting the stormwater system.
Council investigators were responding to complaints at a building site at Revesby and when they arrived, they found the builder pumping sediment laden water into the stormwater system. He had also illegally removed trees at the site.
The court was told there was no sediment and erosion controls in place, with excavated material stockpiled at the front of the site and the nature strip and footpath left covered with bricks and other material.
Mayor El-Hayek said the magistrate sent a clear message that cutting corners and polluting our waterways is simply not acceptable.
“Every business in our area has a responsibility to meet their environmental obligations at all times,” Mayor El-Hayek said.
Mayor El-Hayek applauded the work of Council investigators who pursued the case.
“Investigators did a number of follow up inspections, spoke to the builder and issued warnings before penalty infringement notices were issued.
“This should act as a warning to others that we have zero tolerance for any builders doing the wrong thing,” Mayor El-Hayek said.
“It’s dangerous, it’s hazardous and it impacts the environment and the community.
“This is a big win and a testament for Council’s dedication and commitment to the community.”
City of Canterbury Bankstown will be participating in a month-long blitz as part of the ‘Get the Site Right’ campaign to target developers and enforce environmental best practice on building sites to protect our waterways and surrounding environments.
Residents are encouraged to report any information regarding non-compliance at building sites by calling Council on 9707 9000.