12 September, 2024
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The City of Canterbury Bankstown has made a major step in its fight to keep the City a clean and green place to live.

Council recently adopted its Clean City Strategic Plan and Action Plan, which were developed to bridge the gap between Council’s investment and the Community’s expectations.

The five key focus areas within the Plans are to:

1. Prevent illegal dumping;

2. Clean and tidy town centres;

3. Clean and tidy parks;

4. Clean and tidy public toilets; and

5. Healthy waterways.

Canterbury-Bankstown Mayor Khal Asfour said having a clean and green City had always been a priority for Council and the adoption of these plans was a major step in the right direction.

“This new model outlines practical steps on how Council will be able to provide a clean Canterbury-Bankstown that our residents can be proud of,” Mayor Asfour said.

“This model will proactively use data to develop new initiatives, see the installation of new infrastructure, and the creation of new education and enforcement programs.”

Some high priority actions to come from the Plan, include:

• Working with local businesses to develop and implement a plan to reduce litter and illegal dumping in our town centres and industrial areas;

• Undertake a targeted water quality analysis and educate the community on improving the health of our waterways; and

• Increase awareness on the dangers of runoff from building sites.

“A Clean City will not only help discourage anti-social behaviour like graffiti and vandalism. It encourages us all to feel safe and proud of our community, and to love where we live, work and play,” Mayor Asfour said.

Council has more than 72 gross pollutant traps and 90 biofilters, which remove around 300 tonnes of waste and excess nutrients from our waterways each year. Since installing a third litter boom in May 2021, more than 324 cubic metres of litter has been captured and removed for Canterbury-Bankstown.

In addition to this, Council’s dedicated street sweeping team clean up leaves, litter, dirt and other debris from our kerb and gutters, removing almost 1,700 tonnes in a year.

For more information on litter prevention and sustainability initiatives, visit cb.city/Sustainability

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